
When a pay card is created for an hourly employee, the EI hours are coming out as double what they should be. For example, an employee has worked 40 hours, but the EI Hours are coming out as 80 hours.


This is likely due to an improper setup in the Employee Master Paycard for the effected employee(s). There is a category in the Benefits tab called Regular EI Hours. This category is intended to be used for employees who are being paid by Salary (or any other lump-sum, non-unit based earning). When the Salary earning code is used, the system has no way of tracking how many hours are being worked. Therefore, the system needs a specific payroll category to use for the tracking of EI Hours. That is what this EI Hours Benefit is for.


If an employee is using an Hourly wage, which has been set as Subject to EI, the system will automatically calculate the EI hours, based on the number of units entered in the Hourly Wage category. Therefore, since the system will automatically calculate these EI hours, there is no need to use the EI Hours benefit. If you use the EI Hours benefit as well as an Hourly Wage, the system will obviously report the EI Hours incorrectly.

The correct setup would be to use the EI Hours benefit ONLY for Salary/Lump Sum employees – NOT for hourly employees.