Clarity Setup

Before using Clarity ESS, you must ensure that the users have been set up within Clarity.

Firstly ensure that you have activated your license for Self Service.

You can check this by going to Help > License information and looking for "Employee Self Service/Manager Self Service" in the list as shown below:

If this has not been activated then you should activate it using your activation key.
You should then ensure that you have a security group set up for ESS users and that this group is granted the specific permissions for Self Service pages.
This can be done via Configuration>Security > Security groups as shown below:

You can then assign an employee to be a member of this group and setup their login details here:
However, to set up a web user you must ensure this employee has been assigned a TnA group here:
Configuration > Security > Web User

However, to set up a web user you must ensure this employee has been assigned a TnA group here:
Employees>TNA Information

In order for an employee to be assigned a TnA Group, their "Base Wage Category" must be set to be "Used for attendance". You can check this here:
Employees > Master Paycard

And the definition here:
Setup > Payroll Settings > Payroll categories

For further information or troubleshooting then consult Clarity Documentation here.

Clarity ESS


The employee should specify their company and login using the username and password which was set up in the Web User form in Clarity as shown below:


A description of a person, group, or organization that contains all the details that someone needs.
The profile within ESS is broken down into nine sections; General Information, Emergency Contacts, Paystubs, Employment History, Training, Education, Benefits, Incidents and Performance Reviews, Each of these nine sections are again broken down into smaller segments.

General Information

This screen has four segments, Basic, Organization, Payroll and Absences.

Basic, as can be seen above, contains only minimal employee contact information.
Depending on the data field, the employee can change the information, by either keying in the updated data or by using the drop down menus.
Organization, contains only the employees' work contact information.

Payroll, only contains the employees' password for their paystub, which only the employee has authority to change.

Password must be the same in both boxes.

This is the password that the employee uses to open their paystub which is a password protected PDF file.
A state or condition in which something expected, wanted, or looked for is not present or does not exist, a failure to be present at a usual or expected place, a period of time when someone is not present at a place, job, etc.

This page displays the current and past state of the employees' time off, and its approval status.

Emergency Contact

This contains the emergency contact information for the employee.
Add a New Contact

To add a new contact, simply click on the Add button

Fill in the appropriate information.
Note if you click on the "Same residence as Employee?" box, the address information should grey out.
When complete click the Save button.
Update Contact Information

To see more detail information click on the radio  button next to the emergency contact.

If the contact and employee are at the same residence, then the address is greyed out.
If the employee and the contact are not at the same address then the address details can be filled in.
When completed click save.


This page contains a list of all the paystubs that have been issued to the employee, the paystubs are produced as a pdf (Portable Document Format) file.

Click once on the pay stub you wish to see, you may then see a message at the bottom of the screen requesting direction, if you choose save, then the file will saved to the local machine in downloads. If you choose Open, then a pdf file reader will open and you will be prompted to enter a password.
Only the person with the correct password will be able to see the password protected paystubs.

Employment History

Information about an individual's past employers, locations, employment dates, positions held, salary, and duties attended to while employed within the company.
This is a display screen only, and can only be viewed.


Organized activity aimed at imparting information and/or instructions to improve the recipient's performance or to help him or her attain a required level of knowledge or skill.

Add New Training
Some of the fields are populated by drop down menus, the information for these are gained from Clarity. The other fields are for manual input.


The act or process of imparting or acquiring of general or specific knowledge, the result produced by instruction, training, or study.


A form of compensation, such as paid vacation time, subsidized health insurance, or a pension, provided to employees in addition to wages or salary as part of an employment arrangement.


In general, an unplanned, unexpected, and un-designed (not purposefully caused) event which occurs suddenly and causes (1) injury or loss, (2) a decrease in value of the resources, or (3) an increase in liabilities.

Add New Incident
Most of the fields are populated by drop down menus, the information for these are gained from Clarity. The other fields are for manual input.

Performance Review

The process by which a manager or consultant (1) examines and evaluates an employee's work behavior by comparing it with pre-set standards, (2) documents the results of the comparison, and (3) uses the results to provide feedback to the employee to show where improvements are needed and why.
Performance appraisals are employed to determine who needs what training, and who will be promoted, demoted, retained, or fired.

To see more detail information click on the radio  button next to the type of review.

Add New Performance Review
Some of the fields are populated by drop down menus, the information for these are gained from Clarity. The other fields are for manual input.


Current Expenses

Refers to ongoing business expenses that are accounted for as they occur. The opposite of a current expense is a capital expense. Capital expenses include investments in things such as buildings, equipment and other assets.

Add New Current Expense
Most of the fields are populated by drop down menus, the information for these are gained from Clarity; the remaining field is for manual input.

Enter the expenses information, then click Save.

The new entry is now listed.

Edit Current Expense
If you have made an error on the entry, click on Edit next to the entry.
The original entry will display and you can now make any corrections and save.

View Expenses
The Reimbursement and Billable totals are populated by using the View Expenses link.

To create a new entry click on the Add button

Fill in the requisite fields and save

Note: Depending on the Expense, you may not need to fill in all the fields.

Submit Expenses
Once you have filled in all the expenses and are satisfied that they are correct, you will then need to submit them for approval

Click the selection box of the expense you wish to have approved, and then click the Submit Selected button.

Your submitted expense has now moved onto the next step.

Submitted Expenses

Refers to personal business expenses that have been incurred by the employee
The submitted expense forms will display on the submitted Expenses screen, in the order that they were submitted. You will only be able to see those forms awaiting approval from your manager or supervisor.
This screen will allow you to View the expense form, and edit if required, the view/edit screen for the expense will look like the new expense form you filled out in current expenses.

You cannot delete a submitted expense form, however if you Un-submit the form, it will be returned to the Current Expenses screen where you can delete it.

Approved Expenses

This screen shows personal business expenses that have been approved for payment to the employee.

Rejected Expenses

This screen shows personal business expenses that have been rejected for payment to the employee.

Pending Expenses

This screen shows expenses that are still pending approval from the employee's supervisor.