The Strong password validation feature allows the user to set a strong password, which they must update every 90 days.
- When the user logs in as a supervisor and choose their company database,
- under Setup > Preferences > Server, they will see an option to enable 'Clarity user password will expire every 90 days'
Once this is enabled, the next time the supervisor or the user tries to login and enter the company database, they will be prompted to change their password.
- This password must have the minimum requirements of at least 8 characters, including at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character. An example of a valid password that meets these requirements is: Test1234!
- When a new user is added under Configuration > Security > Users by the supervisor user, they will set up the password which the new user will use to login. Once the user logs in, they will be prompted to change their password. This allows the new user to have a password of their own which the supervisor will not have access to. This applies to existing users as well.
If the user forgets their password, the supervisor can reset the password under Configuration > Security > Users, and once again, when the user logs into that company database they will be prompted to change their password.
- When the ‘Clarity user password will expire every 90 days' option is not enabled, user password can only be changed under Configuration > Security > Users.
- Note that any user who is granted security rights can change any password, but they cannot see existing passwords.
- After 90 days, every user will have to change their password when they log in and select the company database.
- Note that the user will have to change the password in every database that they use.
The new password should be different from old password (Clarity will compare looking at the last password entered for the selected database. It does not compare against SQL Server password).
Note: This feature is only available in Paymate Clarity version 6.61 or higher.