If you are receiving this error message, there are a few points to check:

  1. This might be a simple password problem. Ensure that you are typing your username and password correctly. Note that in first time installations, the username is 'supervisor' (without quotes) and the password is blank.
  2. Make sure that SQL Server AKM (or AKMUS for USA customers) is installed on the server. On the server, go to Start -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (or 2008)-> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager and verify that AKM (or AKMUS) instance exists under SQL Server 2005 (or 2008) Services.
  3. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, ensure that SQL Server Browser service is running.
  4. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, click on SQL Server 2008 (or 2008) Network Configuration, and click on Protocols for AKM (or AKMUS). Ensure that TCP/IP is enabled. If you have configured TCP/IP protocol and specified a port for AKM or AKMUS instance, ensure that your firewall does not block that port.
  5. Try turning off your firewall on your server. If that resolves your problem, enter an Inbound (Allow) rule for AKM or AKMUS instance.
  6. If it's not already installed, install Clarity or Platinum on the server. If this is your first time installing the application on the server, run the application and connect to the database. If you can successfully connect, that means SQL instance is up and running, and skip to number 7. If you can't connect, that means SQL Server Instance is not running, or you typed an incorrect username or password. If you see AKM or AKMUS instance in SQL Server Configuration Manager (under SQL Server Services pane), and if it is stopped, right click on it and select Start. This would start the SQL instance. Try connecting again. If you can't get it to start, try uninstalling and reinstalling the SQL Server instance.
  7. If you can connect to the SQL instance from the Server, but not from your workstations, try these steps:
    1. Run Clarity/Platinum on your workstation. Click on Database Options button. Ensure that Database Server location is correct. You can see the nearby AKM (or AKMUS) instances by looking at the Database Server dropdown list.
    2. After selecting the correct database server, carefully type in your username and password. Click on test connection. If the test succeeds, you can connect to your database server. If not, continue following these steps:
    3. Open a command promp (Start -> Run -> Type 'cmd' without quotes and hit Enter). Type the following command:

      Where MYDATABASESERVER is the address of your server. For example, if your AKM or AKMUS instance is on OFFICE-SERVER\AKM, then you would type: ping OFFICE-SERVER

If ping command fails to reach the server, that means you can't connect to your server. Contact your IT personnel to verify the connection between your workstation and the server.

If ping succeeds, enter the IP address of the server in database server address box. For example, if your SQL instance is on OFFICE-SERVER\AKM, and the IP of OFFICE-SERVER is, try entering\AKM in the database server location box in Clarity's Database Options screen.

If this still doesn't work, and if you have a specific TCP/IP port configuration for AKM or AKMUS instance, enter your port number in the connection string as shown: If AKM instance is running on port 12345 on OFFICE-SERVER, enter OFFICE-SERVER\AKM,12345


  1. How to check TCP/IP

    Start SQL Server Configuration Manager > Locate the SQL Server Network Configuration and expand

    Locate your instance to show the Protocol

    Make Named Pipes and TCP/IP enabled.

    Check the Properties for the TCP/IP to determine what port is open for communication