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Note: This article outlines the instructions on how to create, edit, print, and email T4s in Clarity. The same instructions can be followed for T4As and RL-1s. 

 Creating T4s

  1. Select Forms > T4 > Create T4 records.
  2. Select the EI group. If you have multiple EI groups, you have to create T4s separately for each of those EI groups.
  3. Select the appropriate options in the "Employees to include" section. Click "Next". 
  4. Click Finished. Your T4s have been created.
  5. Go to Forms > T4 > Edit T4 Supplementary, to verify Employee data. You can update Employee’s information under the tabs provided.
  6. Go to Forms > T4 > Edit T4 summary, to verify and update Employer’s information.

N.B. It is YOUR responsibility to enter the amount of the company remittances into box 82, this value should be obtained from your accounting software!  

Printing T4's


  1. Go to Forms > T4 > Print
  2. Select Supplementary for employees, Summary or Audit Report.
  3. Under parameters, select first and last employee to print. You can select the same employee in both of the boxes to print only one T4 slip.
  4. Under Form Type, you can select either Blank paper or Pre-Printed Laser.
  5. Under Alignment, you can move the margin from Top or right.


For the RL-1, there are slight adjustments.


  1. Go to > Forms > RL-1.
  2. Edit Summary > Add the Original starting sequential number and next sequential number.
  3. Click “Assign All”.

E-Filing is a two step process:

Creating the E-file:

  1. Click on Forms >T4 > Magnetic Media Transmittal
  2. Fill out all the information.
  3. Click Save to accept the changes. 
  4. For Transmitter number type in MM 999999.  This number was used by CRA to identify companies and it is not used anymore.

Sending the E-File:

The CRA requires companies with more than 50 employees to file T4s online. The CRA has sent Account number and Web access code to all companies required to file online. If you haven’t received your access information, please contact The CRA. Paymate will not have this information.


Please contact CRA for any issues regarding E-filing.

How to Email T4s in Clarity


Please confirm that employees who will be receiving the T4s have their email address setup.
